Wednesday, August 15, 2018

An Update

Wow, how time flies! It's been almost 9 years since I made this blog! I'm 17 now and I'm going to college in January. For context, I was 8 when I made this blog, and still in like fifth grade. If you are curious as to how my life has been or just want to read my new poems and such, you can find me at!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Here’s a poem I wrote a while ago on my laptop. Enjoy!

   Bob loves to eat swim trunks at breakfast. He toasts them, butters them, and eats them. Then he washes it down with ice cold milk. Yummy! He says. Yuck! I say. His wife agrees it tastes so good, though she prefers stripped ones. Bob loves the red ones. Their children eat it to, before school. How cruel it is, because of course, swimming trunks are TOXIC! Soon enough, the family learns, but it is too late, and they are dead!

Wow, twist ending, huh? Ha ha. I have no idea where the idea for this came from, or where that ending came from. Although, I gotta say, it rocks, ending and all! What do you think?
Peace out!
-Isa :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Haunted, Intro

As soon as we get back into our smallish farm house, the phone rang. That might have been suspicious, given our past history of pranks and kidnaps, but I was so tired and out of it I picked up anyway.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, is this Kelly?" asked a girl's voice on the other end.

"Depends. Who are you?"

"Sally Higgins."

"Oh my God! Bu...but your...aren't you dead?" I gasped.

Sally Higgins, my best friend for 12 years, helped me crack the case of some nut job who was stalking me to try to steal my valuables, but a few weeks later she realized she caught some exotic flu from the guy's parrot who he carried everywhere on his shoulder. The doctor said she would die in a month, at the latest. On June 1 she was freaking out, and on top of that she was really sick, you could tell just by looking at her. Her last words were for me: "Kelly, you are the best friend in the world. I know I wouldn't be here, dying-" as if on que she started to cough. I squeezed her hand. "-but I know you didn't mean any of this to happen, and I don't regret being your friend. You have always been there for me, so by helping you I was trying to do the same. I did not know this" -she gestured to her messed up icky sick body-"would happen. I just wanted to tell you I don't blame you at all for what will happen. Give my family my love and tell them I will miss them. I'll miss you too, Kelly. And check the bricks, oh-six hundred at four o clock." Then she hugged me (well sort of) and lay on her bed. She closed her eyes and just like that she was gone. I burst into tears, still holding her hand.

Now, 2 months later, I was the sick one, the one in danger. Some part of me thought this was a trap, designed to lure me into another evil lab or something. Another part of me was desperately wishing that is was Sally, my best friend, the one who was dead, but if she was then who was on the phone? This was to weird.

"Kelly? Are you there?" Sally's (possibly) voice brought me back to reality.

"Uh, yeah, but I gotta go...take a nap." I said in a faraway voice. "But if you are Sally, wanna come over? Tomorrow at four? I haven't seen you in forever! You know, I miss you a bunch!"

"OK, four then. Bye, Kelly! See you later!" she replied.

"Bye," I said, then I hung up, my mind racing.

I went upstairs, where my big brother Bobby was waiting, the other phone in his hand.

"I heard the whole thing," he said. "Are you seriously gonna meet up with her? This could be a trap. And you are so sick, do you think you could handle an attack?"

"Don't you think I thought of that?!" I snapped. "I probably just need some rest. It isn't until four, you know."

"Yeah, I know." Bobby told me softly. "I just don't want you to get hurt. Remember Mom and Dad? They died only 2 years ago; we saw it happen. Remember Sally, the real one? Just try to be careful, okay?"

Bobby is a worry wart sometimes, but he really cares about me, and he was right about Mom, Dad, and Sally. It what been super-painful to watch them die, especially because we couldn't do anything to save them. Mom and Dad had been the worse. You see, they worked at a fast food place called Fast Burger, and after school Bobby and I would have needed to go there and wait for their shift to finish. But that place was just to greasy, I knew that even before May 3. But that was the day my suspicions were confirmed. Bobby and I were walking to Fast Burger, same as always, but when we were a block away we smelled smoke. Naturally we started to run but what used to be Fast Burger stopped us in our tracks. It was burned down, completely ashes and smoke. Suddenly we heard an ambulance pull up and carry our wheezing parents away. At the hospital, we saw their burns and knew they wouldn't make it. A day later, as Bobby and I were feeding Mom lunch, Dad flat lined. About 2 hours later, as Bobby and I stared at her, Mom flat lined too. Bobby and I sobbed our heads off for a week, but back then I had Sally. The combined pain of losing them was almost too much to bear.

"Yeah, okay," I told Bobby. "Can I go to bed now?"

"Sure, get into your PJs and I'll read you more of Rebel, kay?" Bobby told me.

"Yeah!" I said, running to the bathroom.

Ever since our parents died it was Bobby's job to take care of me, since I was only 12 years old. But sometimes I forget I'm so young, and I bet Bobby forgets too. I mean, I've been through more heartbreaking (as a figure of speech and for real) situations than the average 47-year-old. But underneath all that I really am just a kid. And this is my story.

I'm not forcing you to read it, though. I'm just saying: if you do, you have to promise that you never tell anyone about me. If you don't read it-well, don't tell anyone what you already read. It's best I'm kept a secret. I hope, if you do wanna read this, that by the end of the book you understand why.

-Kelly Smith

Welcome to my life.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Blue ~A Poem By Isa~

This blue-
is horrifying,
When I look at it I look at it I look for words
to describe
this blue.
Ugly, but possibly pretty?
I guess.
Or do I feel electrified?
Is there a difference?
This is horrible,
like rotten cheese-
blue, or worse?
Does this blue-
can it be as bad as
blue cheese? Or worse?
This is an odd shade
of such a pretty color.
It makes it look 
almost dirty.
Could it be my eyes?
This is a weird blue.
A blue beyond words. 
I cannot bear
to look at it.
This blue.

This blue inspired my poem.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dino Dung Version 1

Dino poop is stinky,
Stinkier than your binky,
But it gives us a big clue,
Of life in the dino que.

Monday, December 12, 2011

What Is Quin Scared Of?

What scares me? My name is Quin and I ask myself that a LOT. So, what scares me? Let me make a list:
  • Popcorn
  • The moon
  • Rain
  • Asteroids
  • Headphones
  • Water
  • Computers
  • Santa Clause
  • Christmas Trees
  • Christmas Tree Ornaments
  • Sand
  • Glass
  • Mermaids
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • TVs
  • TV Shows
  • Water Bottles
  • All Types of Meat
  • Labels
  • Keyboards
Not a lot, huh? Nah, I am a regular gal trying to drink water. So, what are you scared of?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday to the Best Blog Ever!

Guess what? Today is November 27, 2011. 26 days ago was November 1, 2011. And why do I care? November 1 was my blog`s 2-year anniversary! I completely forgot until I re-read my first post a few minutes ago. I am writing this post to celebrate! Yay! Happy late-birthday to the best blog ever, My Running Words! Maybe next year I won`t forget it`s 3rd birthday! Again, happy birthday! :)

-Isa :)

Fish Taco

Time for lunch, I`m starved!
I ant a fish taco please, just a regular old fish taco only at Taco Bell!
Fish taco, only at Taco Bell!

-an original song by Isa

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Poll About All My Posts Since the Beging A year Ago

I would like to make a poll. OK, so here goes:

1-What is your favorite story on my blog SO FAR?
A- Dictionary the Dog Story #1
B- Opsy! I lost my job! The Easter Bunny
C- Chinese Dexter at the Zoo
D- Standard
E-The Pageant

2- Do you enjoy reading...?
A- All your posts!
B- Some of your posts.
C- Most of your posts.
D- Just your stories
E- I am just bog-surfing.

3-  Do you think books are as important as I think they are?
A- Duh!
B- I like books, but I like the new stuff.
C- I only read for school, and I heard some schools are using them, anyway.
D- I read maps when I go some places, does that count?
E- Reading is useless.

4- What do you say about my Standard as a real actual book?
A- I want it so bad!
B- Cool idea.
C- Why not just leave it on your blog?
D- I never enjoyed Standard that much.
E- There can not be a worse idea!

5- Have you noticed that I wrote 3-I think-posts- of random acts of kindness? What do you think about that?
A- Your as nice as your stories are awesome.
B-  Those posts a year ago? Yeah, cool.
C- When did you do that?
D- What are you talking about?
E- I do random acts of kindness.

OK, that`s it for my poll. Hope you liked it! More polls in the future if you liked this one!

NOTE: Comment your answers! :)
-Isa :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Pageant

Once upon a time, there was a Jaguar named Sally. Well, Sally was a beautiful animal, what with all her spots. Her spots were the prettiest spots of all the animal`s spots. While the other animals had plain brown or tan, Sally`s spots were a thick brown color which blended in perfectly with her natural tan fur, the color of a wonderful aging book. One day in the rain forest, Sally noticed a sign for a beauty pageant. All the lady animals in the rain forest had already signed up. "I do not brag," Sally told herself. "But I want the $2,000 reward, so I will sign up." She found a pen and wrote "Sally Jaguar" on the line provided on the sign-up sheet. Two days later, Sally found herself nervous. "What if I don`t win?" she repeated in her mind. For the 4th time she had to remind herself that this was only a silly contest, for fun. She laughed it off. At the Big Bowl (the arena where the pageant was taking place) Sally took 10 deep breaths and walked onto the catwalk. She heard the crowd cheering but did not look up. She walked back to the back of the stage and changed into a pink dress. She used all her cloths only once for 3 minutes. First, she wore nothing. She was 100% natural, how she liked it. After the pink dress she wore a black tank top with jean shorts and cowgirl boots. Next she wore a blue shirt and blue pants- 98% retro and 2% itchy! She wore jeans in various colors and shirts in various colors for the next 5 rounds. She then wore her PJs- a pink poka dotted long-sleeved shirt and blue polka dotted pajama pants. This was the final round- the question round. She was naked again as she walked on the catwalk. The narrator and the person who asks the question was a male cougar in his late 50s with bluish-reddish spots and purplish-brownish skin. He was on the news the day before- the headline was "59 Year-Old Cougar Has Non-Contagious Rare Disease: Turns Fur & Spots the Color of a Bruise. Gross, but True!". "What do you have to say about global warming?" he asked Sally. Sally thought of her vacation 5 years ago to North Carolina during the winter. She imagined snow. "Snow in the rain forest is just not right.". She left the catwalk. She could hear the cougar from the other side of the curtain. "And the winner is....SALLY JAGUAR!!!!" Sally blushed and almost ran to where the cougar was with her prize. At her home, she placed the 3-foot tall trophy on her mantel and donated the money to charity. She had won the prize, but the accomplishment feeling mattered most to Sally. She smiled as as she read her name on the engraving and laughed when they wrote "Jagur". Sally could not feel more proud of herself.